A rich, dark coffee with a creamy mouthfeel, characteristically Sumatra Mandheling, great for espresso, cafetiere, filter machines & standard method Aeropress.
Here’s a bit of speciality coffee history trivia for you, if it wasn’t for a serendipitous encounter with Sumatra Mandheling, there may not actually be such a thing right now as speciality coffee!
The godmother of speciality coffee, Erna Knutson, bumped into the son of a coffee importer who had a sample of this very special coffee bean that was intended for another trader, she convinced him to come in and cup it, and that lead to her practically singlehandedly forging what became speciality coffee.
This is a fantastic example of a high quality Sumatra Mandheling, from the Permata Gayo cooperative in the Gayo Highlands region of central Aceh in Sumatra, where over two thousand smallholders work together to produce this incredible coffee which is grown at an altitude of 1200-1600m.