Showcasing the beauty of the Pacamara comes 2023’s La Roxanita. With deep notes of blueberry and jasmine, a honeyed sweetness and juicy body, this natural Pacamara will make you fall in love. This coffee was expertly processed by our good friend and multi Cup of Excellence award winner, Ignacio (Nacho) Gutierrez. Nacho is known for growing quality Pacamara and we feel honoured at Firebat to be able to display his great work.
Roasted for any brew method.
This is whole bean coffee, need your coffee ground? Check out out to choose your perfect grind for your brewing needs.
Roast level: Medium roast
Tasting notes: Cacao nibs, brown sugar, creamy
Origin: Chalatenango, El Salvador
Variety: Pacamara
Process: Natural
Elevation: 1,700MASL
More Info
The Bean. Pacamara descends from a beautiful lineage of two beans that compose the most culturally and genetically important groups of Arabica coffees in the world.
The origins of this exotic bean can be traced back to 1958 to the Institute of Coffee Studies in El Salvador. As the result of experiments, Pacamara was made crossing Pacas (a bourbon mutation discovered also in El Salvador) and Maragogype. The amalgamation of both varieties resulted in a sweeter and heavier body than bourbon bean with such deep and great flavor notes that often than not dominates cupping events such as Cup Of Excellence.
Pacamara thrives best in higher altitude with cooler climate. It is resistant to wind and its tree size makes it easier to be harvested in steep terrain, making it a very suitable for the Salvadoran geography of high mountainous areas like Chalatenango, where La Roxanita is located.
The Roast. This pacamara has a clear blueberry profile layered with sweet honey and delicate aroma that resembles that of jasmine flower with great sweetness. We have preserved the juiciness of this great coffee to blend its great aromatics, honey-like sweetness and tropical fruity body.
Naturally dried coffees take time and skill, they also save important water resources by not using them. Ignacio is certainly a master of coffee drying techniques, which is why he is able to achieve such fruity layered coffees year after year.
We recommend brewing this one for aeropress or pour over methods using 16:1 water to coffee ratio. For espresso, 18.5grams for double basket to make a bright and tropical feel espresso.
100% whole bean decaf coffee.