Recipe: Rhizome Angelica Dahurica and Rhizoma Gastrodiae Fish Head Soup - Prepare a fish head, 4 taels of lean meat, half teaspoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of Shaoxing wine, 2 maces of rhizome, 2 maces of angelica dahurica, 2 maces of rhizoma gastrodiae, 5 slices of licorice, 5 slices of jujube, 2 slices of ginger, 10 dried longan, 5 cups of water, 1/4 cup of black glutinous rice wine, and salt. Wash the fish head and drain. Wash all herbs and soak in water for 15 minutes. Flatten the ginger with the back of a knife, heat the wok, and fry the ginger slices. Fry the fish head and add rice wine. Put water and wait for it to boil. Take out the ginger and add the herbs. Boil for 10 minutes, turn to a low heat and cook for 2 hours, add salt to taste.